Psanctuary Lounge

in Psanctuary Maine’s wellness tent behind the USM, McGoldrick building

Leon Pelletier

Saturday, 8 - 11 am

Leon Pelletier is a student of spiritual truths.  He has taken different courses of healing work such as Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, reflexology, and raindrop therapy.  He facilitates a class teaching an ancient meditation brought forth by Drunvalo Melchizedek as taught by the former organization called 'The Flower of Life’.   

At the Psanctuary Lounge he would like to offer a meditation that combines his experience.  The participants will be given choices during the meditation to make adjustment(s) in their own energy field that have the potential to support/empower whatever it is intended to bring about a personal connection to the innate ability to exercise/experience one's soul's purpose/mission.  

Leon's email address: